Clarke's Blog Posts and such...

This is where I come to rant and update, but the only reasons I'm here is because Haiku people are really freaking rude and it gets hard to see my updates when people decide to chat on my Blog keyword.

School... meh.

Haven't posted in a few days.

I know I'd said that my posts were to be on Webs, but... I kinda like this place. I'll stick around for a bit more.

Anyway, had a bonfire. It was pretty cool. We brought down these huge marshmallows that burned really quickly in the hot flames, and after eating a fourth of one half-scorched marshmallow  felt pretty sick and threw the rest in the fire. Sugar burns. :/

Afterward I ate two hotdogs.

My Dad had brought down some Dancing Devils fireworks, so we threw a few of them in the wheelbarrow, one at a time, and watched them go off. I don't remember having Dancing Devils that popped after the spinning part.

We threw a disfunctional Devil into the fire, and about half an our later, when we least expected it, the blasted thing went off. My father was right next to the pit! XD

After that we talked and went in. That's all.

Gonna go now, bye.

Thank you for visiting my blog!