Clarke's Blog Posts and such...

This is where I come to rant and update, but the only reasons I'm here is because Haiku people are really freaking rude and it gets hard to see my updates when people decide to chat on my Blog keyword.


Animate? A conversation with myself.

I should animate. I have free time, plus no homework! But... Excuse: I'm hungry. Answer: Stop eating you pig, you aren't hungry, you're bored. Why aren't you fat again? Excuse: I wanna play Animal Crossing! Answer: No, you don't. All you d…

I am simple, complex, generous, selfish, unattractive, beautiful, lazy, and driven.

That quote is by Barbra Streisand on I think it pretty much explains everyone. Especially me ;) So, speaking of lazy, I've done nothing more to the animation that I started. You know, th…

2D Flipbook Animation: Now better than freaking Flipnote! :D

So, since I am unable to use Flipnote (my DSi is dead with no charger, and... IkindagotintoafightandnowI'mbannedforaweekLOLoops... I'mdefinatelynotgettingintoanymorestupidfightswithpeoplewhowantmeoffofHatena, nomatterwhatittakestogetmeoff,…

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