Clarke's Blog Posts and such...

This is where I come to rant and update, but the only reasons I'm here is because Haiku people are really freaking rude and it gets hard to see my updates when people decide to chat on my Blog keyword.

Hi again...

I guess I'm just gonna talk a bit. So I noticed that there's a little Hatena Blog button on my Flipnote Hatena creator's page. That's convenient. I've been thinking about writing Wreck-It Ralph fanfics because it was such a good movie (I s…

Animate? A conversation with myself.

I should animate. I have free time, plus no homework! But... Excuse: I'm hungry. Answer: Stop eating you pig, you aren't hungry, you're bored. Why aren't you fat again? Excuse: I wanna play Animal Crossing! Answer: No, you don't. All you d…


I'm looking for people who own said game and has fruit in their town other than pears. All I have is pears. I'll give you pears if I can have 3 of every type of fruit in your town (besides pears, obviously XD).I'll plant you pear trees if …

LOL I'm gonna fail School! :D

So far this week I've missed two days of schoool and I have no clue what's going on in Science class now. Brilliant. Stupid, lazy, procrastinating me. Now, if this keeps up, I'm going to FAIL GRADE 9. First day was Monday. I got sick. I ho…

School... meh.

Haven't posted in a few days. I know I'd said that my posts were to be on Webs, but... I kinda like this place. I'll stick around for a bit more. Anyway, had a bonfire. It was pretty cool. We brought down these huge marshmallows that burne…

Sunday already?

It's the second day of September, and it's Sunday. That means yesterday, when I thought it was Friday, it was actually Saturday. FAIL XD Anyway, today my family went to pick blueberries. I think we picked a good 1 1/2 quarts, more than eno…

Fun, Fun Friday!

It's Friday! Friday! Everyone get happy for Fri- 1ST DAY OF SEPTEMBER THE SCHOOL MONTH! D8 Ah, well. XD So, today I went to my mom's friend's anniversary and had the worst time ever. It was no one's fault, I was just really tired and I wan…

I am simple, complex, generous, selfish, unattractive, beautiful, lazy, and driven.

That quote is by Barbra Streisand on I think it pretty much explains everyone. Especially me ;) So, speaking of lazy, I've done nothing more to the animation that I started. You know, th…

2D Flipbook Animation: Now better than freaking Flipnote! :D

So, since I am unable to use Flipnote (my DSi is dead with no charger, and... IkindagotintoafightandnowI'mbannedforaweekLOLoops... I'mdefinatelynotgettingintoanymorestupidfightswithpeoplewhowantmeoffofHatena, nomatterwhatittakestogetmeoff,…

Hatena Blog is just like any old blog.

Really, it is. It's just easier for fans and stalkers to access because it's connected to Hatena. That's the only reason I'm using it. Anyway, plans for the future? Gonna change my name to something less wolf-ish Gonna keep my two series '…

So bored right now...

6 week camp, farewellllllllll... Hello to some new idiots who like to hate. The 29th shall be fun! :3

A new blogging area, eh...

I dunno, I think I might stick with Webs. After all, Webs has a blog (Hatena has Hatena diary, Hatena blog), pages for posting photos and videos (Hatena has Fotolife), a forum (Hatena Haiku?), apps (Hatena's various apps) and more, plus it…

Thank you for visiting my blog!