Clarke's Blog Posts and such...

This is where I come to rant and update, but the only reasons I'm here is because Haiku people are really freaking rude and it gets hard to see my updates when people decide to chat on my Blog keyword.

2D Flipbook Animation: Now better than freaking Flipnote! :D

So, since I am unable to use Flipnote (my DSi is dead with no charger, and... IkindagotintoafightandnowI'mbannedforaweekLOLoops... I'mdefinatelynotgettingintoanymorestupidfightswithpeoplewhowantmeoffofHatena, nomatterwhatittakestogetmeoff, becausesometimestheydon'tlieandactuallyWILLdoanythingtogetmeoffofHatena. Didn'tseethatonecoming,didya,Clarke?


ANYWAY, since I have a hunger to animate, I surfed the web a bit and found this program:


It's cool. Kinda like Flipnote, except better. Unlimited space, unlimited canvas, more audio and FPS control, more tools. But you need a tablet to get the most out of it.


Hey, I have a tablet! :D TIME TO GET TO WORK.


*procrastinates for a while*.


Maybe I should get to animating now...


XD That's me. I can never hop right to a project. Ah, well.


ANYWAY I am animating a little test stick fight. It's not really a stick fight, it's a test animation with a stick man beating on a dummy. It makes it easier on me because I don't have to focus on multiple stickmen moving all over the place. It's good for practice, and since it's my first stick fight, I need practice.






So, if I posted the stick fight, who would actually watch it?




I need critisizm. And I won't get any if no one's gonna watch.


... Well, I'd still post it anyway. But, out of curiosity, who'd actually watch?




Well, now I'm just procrastinating, so... I'd better get back to the animation. It's at 25 fps, and I only have over 80 frames done, so... Only 3.2 seconds. Uh... 56.8 seconds to go? That's...


1420 more frames for 1 minute. 1500 frames for... 1 minute 0-0


This is gonna be a long animation TT.TT


See you!








Changing my username. Thoughts on a new username?

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