Clarke's Blog Posts and such...

This is where I come to rant and update, but the only reasons I'm here is because Haiku people are really freaking rude and it gets hard to see my updates when people decide to chat on my Blog keyword.

Hi again...

I guess I'm just gonna talk a bit.

So I noticed that there's a little Hatena Blog button on my Flipnote Hatena creator's page. That's convenient.


I've been thinking about writing Wreck-It Ralph fanfics because it was such a good movie (I saw it twice and would gladly see it another 98 times) so I typed some stuff on my sister's iPod and sent it to my computer by sending it to my Facebook account through the messages (you can do that, I never knew).

That's when my dad decided that a few days later he wanted to check my messages and preform a few tests or something. He logged on to my account and went to my messages. I gues he was confused when he saw that I'd been sending and receiving messages... from myself, so he went over to check it out.

And read the whole portion that I'd written up.

Which was only a small section in the middle of the story, but still.

And he liked it.

Normally, he's a hard nut to crack. He hates most fiction, but my story was fiction.

He said I have great writing skills for someone my age.



Also, while driving home from a visit to my grandmother who's recently had a foot aputated, we talked aboutt 3d digital animation. He talked about how, during his old job in radio and broadcasting before he joined the Navy, he had a really big interest in animation, so he spent a lot of time fooling around with the systems until he got the hang of it. He created animations for the shows he did, sometimes live, which was pretty impressive then.

Animation has excelled since then, and he said that if I really like it, I should go for it.

That I have talent in everything I touch.

Which I don't think is true...

But MAN, did it ever feel good to hear that from him :)

Thank you for visiting my blog!